
Next Year

Middle school is almost over, and it is almost summer! Then that means it is time to start high school after summer is over. There isn't much to look forward to in high school, besides finishing school and a bigger school. The homework is not going to be light. So yeah nothing really to look forward to, thats all for now. Have a nice day!


My Culture Collage

1. Video Games: Why you ask? BECAUSE THEY ARE FUN!
2. Food: Why? Because food is awesome!
3. Ice Cream: My favorite dessert is ice cream, and my favorite ice cream place is DQ!
4. Minecraft: One of my favorite computer games.
5. Steam: Best thing on the computer....ever.
6. Internet Memes: Because the internet is full of them.
7. Hulu: The place where I watch the T.V shows that I missed.
8. G4: The place to get my gaming news.
9. The Internet: Because the world would be terrible without it.
10. Troll Face: Because most of the time I have to use him!


Use Yahoo! for Seven Days to Win Free Coffee for a Year!

Yahoo! Was the most visited website a few years back, but now they have slipped to third place with Facebook and Google being the top two. Now Yahoo! wants the top spot again, by offering free coffe for an entire year if users sign in to their Yahoo! accounts for seven consecutive days! Each day you sign in to Yahoo! Gives you one entry into winning free coffee for a whole year!

Personally I am not a coffee person, but for any of you coffee fans out there this could be the chance you have been waiting for!


Create a Time Line of Your Social Life!

On Digital Inspiration I read that Memolane (short for memory lane) will take all of your pictures and posts on Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, Four Square, and Youtube and then put them all into a time line! Memolane will easily take everything and put it in a nice and neat time line of everything you have posted online. All you have to do is create and account, and tell it all of your social profiles ( it does this discreetly so no one gets your information) and then creates the time line!

This could be extremely useful if you want to see everything you have done in your online social life! I am tempted to try it in a few minutes, I will tell you how it goes if I do!

Thats all for now, have a nice day!


Overview (What You Can Expect!)

This 2nd post will be an overview of what mostly you can expect on here.  Mostly this blog will be about gaming and plenty of lame and not-so lame jokes. Gaming will mostly be about games that are on the Xbox 360 and PC, I do not own a PS3, but I do have a Wii and I never use it. Jokes are going to try to be funny and possibly you people could help me with jokes!

Ok thats it, goodbye for now!

I Live Again!

This is the first post of a new series of posts on this blog!